What If Productivity Is Like Healthy Eating?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

What If Productivity Is Like Healthy Eating?

Like many other Americans, I’m working on losing weight. It’s going so-so, but then I realized eating is just like productivity!

OK, I know that sounds ridiculous, but it’s true.

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Can You Hear Me Now?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Can You Hear Me Now?

My parents used to laugh because I’d get mostly As and Bs on my report card for school subjects, but Cs in conduct – because I talked a lot. And if you’ve been on a call with me, I’ve probably told you that I can talk about my subject 24/7. When I was a kid, I stretched out the cord on the telephone on the wall so I could talk to my friends after school.

People don’t talk as much anymore… and that’s actually a bad thing.

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Go Slow (Sometimes) to Succeed
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Go Slow (Sometimes) to Succeed

When people think of productivity, they often think of doing things faster. Learning 50 keyboard shortcuts to take off a millisecond here or there when typing, ignoring the demands of your bladder to try to push through, trying to work a problem that takes half an hour in the five minutes you have between back-to-back meetings.

Going slowly, or taking breaks, or doing something analog instead of digitally seems like it would be, well, counterproductive to productivity, right? In certain cases, though, slowing down helps you speed up in a healthy way. 

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3 Key Time Management Rules Brought To You By The Letter E
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

3 Key Time Management Rules Brought To You By The Letter E

In addition to being the most used letter in the English language, the letter E is used in the LaserBrainTM method for Employ Good “Time Hygiene”. This is especially key for business owners who want to run a successful business and still have time for love and joy outside their work too.

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Healthy Brain, Healthy Business
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Healthy Brain, Healthy Business

Is your New Year’s Resolution for 2025 to get healthy?

Many people think about health in terms of physical health: to get stronger, be able to climb stairs, lose weight, run a marathon, etc. All good goals, especially kicking them off in January, which is National Staying Healthy Month.

But good health isn’t just physical.

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Harmony and Holidays
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Harmony and Holidays

I think the more people get back to what makes them happy outside of work, the better off the world will be. Being happy outside of work also helps you accomplish more when you’re at work, because doing things you enjoy with people you enjoy helps you recharge your brain.

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R Is For Removal (Of Distractions)
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

R Is For Removal (Of Distractions)

If you want to be more productive, it’s necessary to spend some time each day focusing on the important, mission-critical tasks that only you as the business owner can do. Other things can be delegated, outsourced, or automated.

In order to focus, you have to lose distractions.

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Brace Yourselves: The Season of Overdoing is Here
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Brace Yourselves: The Season of Overdoing is Here

For some reason, the holidays tend to bring out the perfectionism in many business owners. Even though objectively this is the WORST time to expect perfection from yourself or anyone else. Plus, you might overdo at work and then try to overdo it at home too.

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Time to Give Thanks
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Time to Give Thanks

I always like to think about what I’m grateful for (and write about it) this time of year.

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Do You Have Ample Time?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Do You Have Ample Time?

November 15 is National Ample Time Day, and I think this is just an American thing. Europeans and those in other developed countries don’t give up their entire lives to work, whether they’re business owners or climbing the corporate ladder. Are you giving yourself ample time for the life part of work-life harmony?

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S Is For Sustainable
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

S Is For Sustainable

When it comes to productivity and improving your ability to accomplish your priorities in a shorter period of time, making sure that your “productivity tank” is full helps you squeeze the most out of each day without working more hours.

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Time to Make a Difference
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Time to Make a Difference

Many of us would like to leave a legacy behind. But distributing money and having buildings or scholarships in our names aren’t the only way to do it. Neither is having children, which is a good thing for us childless cat ladies! When you look only to the future, you miss out on what you could be doing today.

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How Overloaded Are You?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

How Overloaded Are You?

Many business owners feel overwhelmed by all the things that need to be done for the business. One factor that doesn’t help this sense of overwhelm is information overload. Not to mention that all the information can get in the way of decision-making when you succumb to analysis paralysis as well.

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The Myth of Busy-phus
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

The Myth of Busy-phus

Do you feel like you’re constantly rolling a stone uphill in your business, only to do it again the next day?

Don’t feel bad, because a lot of that is due to workplace culture and beliefs that have taken over the American workplace. Even if you own your own financial or legal services business, you’re not immune to some of these ideas that have accumulated over time.

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