Bunnies, Business, and Rebirth

If you're a business owner, you know business runs all year round - so you might not realize that March 20 is the spring equinox. Paying attention to the seasons in some way can actually be beneficial for entrepreneurs.

Rebirth and renewal

Recharging body and mind is critical for productivity. Now that the first quarter is almost over, it is probably a good time to reflect on what’s going on in your business. The spring equinox in particular is a signal of rebirth and renewal. What needs some renewal in your business? Or in your relationships? 

I found at the end of last year that I needed to pull back from a number of commitments that weren’t nourishing me personally or professionally. It’s a relief to be free to go to the occasional lunch or meeting without having the obligation to do so. Since making that decision, I’ve discovered over the past few months that it is definitely the right choice for me!

I also decided to spend more time building existing relationships instead of constantly looking for new ones. Now that we’re nearing the end of the first quarter, I’m renewing my focus on that.

Staying in tune with nature can help you be more productive

Because we have so much technology that allows us to avoid going outside, it’s easy to be disconnected from the rhythms of the natural world. We have lightbulbs to work after dark, air conditioning to manage hot summers, and so forth. We’ve also got companies that will deliver anything you need: lightbulbs, food, laptops, kitty litter, and practically anything else you might need.

Yet our bodies (and minds) need exposure to actual nature. Studies show even spending a short time outside in some kind of natural surroundings each day has huge positive effects. You might have noticed when you get outside for a while that you feel better afterward. Especially if you’re getting a little movement in as well. 

People who live in super cold countries find ways to get outside even when it’s the middle of winter, which I’ll admit is a little amazing to me. I can’t stand cold weather, and more than that I can’t stand all the prep you need to do in order to be able to go outside. But I also manage to get out of the house when it’s over 120 degrees, as happens in the desert in the summer. You gotta do what you gotta do, I guess.

Even here in the desert, we’ve got our seasonal rhythms. There are times when the wind is bad (like now) and when we might get a little rain (like now). Then we won’t get any for months.

Staying in tune with the outdoors and nature is natural for the human brain, since that’s what humans have done for literally hundreds of thousands of years. It’s only in the past century or less that we’ve been able to so completely alter our environments that we don’t notice spring anymore.

Being seasonal is good for your meals too, because that’s when produce will be the freshest and best-tasting. When you’re importing strawberries from Mexico during the winter, you're getting berries that were picked too soon so they can make the journey to your grocery store. But when you wait for strawberry season, whenever that is for you, and get them at their peak of flavor, you have a much better strawberry experience. And keeping your strawberry season short makes it easier to savor and enjoy.

It’s nature time!

So enjoy your season of renewal and rebirth, however it shows up in your region. Go outside in the wind and rain once in a while. You won’t melt. If you’re thin, maybe hold onto to someone who’s solid to make sure you don’t blow away if it’s super gusty!

See, there’s the benefit to being short and fat. Lower center of gravity, and solid enough not to be blown off my feet. I am perfectly engineered for the wind!

Take some time away from your business, even if you’re a solopreneur, to see what the spring equinox has for you. Look at the stars once in a while and smell the earth after the rain. It’s often a time for cute little baby animals to arrive, so enjoy those when you can too.

Let it refresh you. Give your brain a break from an overengineered environment that isn’t pleasant or enjoyable, and let it soak up the things it enjoys. If it’s good for your brain, it’s good for productivity. Rest actually helps your brain sharpen the saw, so give it what it needs and wants.


Let the spring equinox bring you back into nature. Reflect on what happened this quarter and see where rebirth or renewal might make sense for you.


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