Learnings From The Past Year

By the time you read this, I’ll be surfside, taking my annual birthday break from work and the heat of the Coachella Valley. (Actually, this year hasn’t been so bad - I don’t think we’ve been higher than 100 degrees so far.) I recommend my clients regularly relax and recharge, and I practice what I preach!

This past year has been tough business-wise. I spent a lot of money on a marketing program that didn’t work for me at all. Really vet what you’re going to get when you make a big investment. But the big lesson is to know what you want to get out of it and whether the program can deliver it for you. 

I’m still working on my messaging, so look out for a rebrand coming soon. Bottom line? I’m the Chief Brain Hacker here at Productivity Injection, helping businesses be more productive so they can be more profitable and achieve their next highest goals. 

I’ve got a ½ day interactive workshop for smaller businesses that will teach you energy management  and distraction management basics. My consulting engagement is for larger service businesses with + or - 10 people on staff and a need to assess where the productivity gaps are and then snap them closed. 

Oh, and if you’d like a little help planning for productivity, check out my free 5-step planner here.


birthday cat

The birthday I‘m celebrating is a big one, and in honor of all my “wisdom hairs” I’ve got some random lessons I learned plus fun facts about me so you can get to know me better.

I’ve been practicing yoga or meditation every night since the beginning of the year and it has helped me stop myself from ruminating quite so much and be a little more balanced. Win!

Words I hate:

  • Impactful

  • Manifest (as a verb)

  • Quantum (when not used by physicists)

  • MAGA (OK, it’s an acronym, but I still hate what it stands for)

Two days after my birthday (well, my “belly-button” birthday) is my sobriety birthday. This year will mark 15 years sober.

I found out I do like sci-fi, I just happen to like it best when it involves solid, rounded female characters who pass the Bechdel test and/or there’s satire of the modern world involved.

I’m on the autism spectrum. It actually explains A LOT.

I’m getting better at managing my social time vs. recharging time. I enjoy going out and meeting friends, and on occasion I like to attend networking groups too. However, I need a lot of time to recharge afterwards, so picking and choosing works better for me.

You’ve met my cats, AKA the furry overlords whom I serve, and they continue to bring me joy and laughter. However, I also like dogs too! Isn’t it crazy how you can like more than ONE type of animal??

I’m planning to do the Tram Walk again this year! We couldn’t do it last year because of COVID-19, so this year it’s time again to head up from the gift shop to Valley Station of the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway.If you’ve never been, the next time you’re in the CV you should check it out.

I’m also very excited for the new season of Making The Cut! I was a huge fan of Project Runway - I started watching the very first season. Between you ad me I hope this third season of Making the Cut is more like the first, because the designers in the second season weren’t very inspiring. ESTHER WAS ROBBED.

I also like coffee and tea, at different times for different reasons. In the summer I’m all about my Soda Stream (I still have the first machine they came out with around 2008). Cocoa is also nice on those chilly SoCal days when the temperature is barely hitting 70 degrees. BRRR.

I’m bicoastal. I grew up in the suburbs of DC, went to college at Rutgers, then moved to New York City (Manhattan) where I lived and worked. Then I moved out to LA, then (unhappily) back to Northern Virginia. I was living in Southwest DC, which I really did love, before I moved to San Diego for my last job in corporate America. After that I moved to the Coachella Valley.

Motivational quotes:

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Hamlet, William Shakespeare

If they ain’t payin’ your rent, you pay ‘em no mind. - RuPaul

Good luck and don’t f*ck it up - RuPaul

You got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run. - Kenny Rogers

I hope you enjoyed it. My birthday gift to you! (Don’t forget that 5-step productivity planner.)


Behold, the Power of No


Brains in Business