Reclaim Your Time With Productivity Injection

While the company has a new, refreshed look (check out the updated website!), we’re still dedicated to helping business owners generate more profits with higher productivity in the workplace.

And by productivity, I’m not talking about toxic productivity, where you’re busy for 14 hours a day and trying to cram another 37 tasks into each hour. Not sweating over a keyboard trying to memorize the top 19 keyboard shortcuts that will shave a nanosecond off your typing time or downloading the 53rd app this month that promises to make you more productive. All these are just ways to keep you hustling and on the move, which has nothing to do with accomplishing your goals.

Have an achievement in mind that requires productive things to do?

Whether it’s breaking through your profit plateau, adding another figure or two to your revenue to go from seven to eight figures, or making sure that you and your staff get more hours in your day to spend with friends and family – you need strategies that aren’t tied to tasks or apps or busyness.

What you need are ways to create productive days for you, your employees, and your business that are designed to help you accomplish the important tasks that will push you forward to your goals. Not “tips” and “tricks” and “hacks” that don’t address the problem of time and energy management. Not apps that drain you even more of your attention and distract you right when you need to focus on mission-critical functions.

It’s possible to have a productive day in the office most of the time. Sure, there are times when you’ll need to put out fires or do things that aren’t important or don’t move you forward. But when you’re operating at optimal productivity, those days are few and far between.

Now you might be asking what time and energy management really is. Hint: the biggest boost of productivity you’ll get is when you learn how to work with your brain instead of against it – and modern culture is very much anti-brain.

Maximize your productivity in the business

Specifically, you need to make the most of:

  • Unproductive productivity - the things you do outside of work that are very much NOT work but will help you keep your productivity tank filled

  • Your ability to reduce or eliminate distractions

  • Your day to ensure that you spend time on concentrated “thinky” work at the time that works BEST for your brain to do that thinky work, and use the rest of the day for administrative tasks like emails and meetings

  • Your ability to prioritize your work…

  • … and your staff’s ability to do all these as well.

For some of you, all of this may seem somewhat new. Maybe you’ve been switching between project management apps to try to find the one that’s the absolute best for you, or you’re locked into the busyness and don’t see how you could possibly give up your 14 hour days, or how your staff could.

If that’s you, an introduction to what productivity is all about would be a great start! (And don’t forget you’re more likely to retain staff when they can expect reasonable hours and a boss who isn’t stressed out all the time.) We offer a half-day interactive workshop with takeaways that you and your staff can use immediately.

But if you already have the basics down, and you understand how powerful the brain is when it comes to productivity, a consulting engagement might work better. Here we’ll assess the productivity gaps in your business, including processes and operations that aren’t optimized, and provide solutions for narrowing or eliminating those gaps. 

Working with Productivity Injection

Either way, if you’re a business owner who’s struggling with productivity and efficiency in your business, give us a call to see if it’s the right fit. We work with a variety of other partners who might be better for your business and can give you recommendations if we’re not the right organization for you. Feel free to schedule your free consultation here.

A more productive workplace is within your reach … but it may not look like you think it does! Let’s chat.


Your Most Productive Day Doesn’t Happen The Days You Do Nothing But Grind


The Power of Productive Introverts