Why Working Harder Isn’t Always The Answer
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Why Working Harder Isn’t Always The Answer

Many of us pride ourselves on hard work, and of course, more is better, right? According to the media, in order to be successful, you have to hustle and grind and give up life outside work. To be fair, for most people success doesn’t come on a silver platter and it does require hard work.

But does hard work mean you have to work 12-14 hours a day? Avoid taking breaks? Never go on vacation?

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Entrepreneur Who Wants More Out of Life? Inconvenience Yourself
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Entrepreneur Who Wants More Out of Life? Inconvenience Yourself

If you spend a lot of time looking at ads, articles, and other media published here in the US, you’d come away with the belief that faster is better and more is better.

Especially when it comes to work: the faster you work, the more successful you’ll be. The more hours you work, the more rewarded you’ll be.


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Is It Possible to Live a Balanced Life?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Is It Possible to Live a Balanced Life?

January is Balanced Life month, and for many of us, that just seems like an impossibility. Sure, after I finish looking after my partner/kids/pets/finances/housekeeping/laundry/chores/etc. and preparing healthy meals and exercising, I’ll go get a balanced life! Productivity in the workplace, here I come! And then I’ll finally have time for me.

Weird how that “time for me” never comes, huh?

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