L is for Letting Go
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

L is for Letting Go

Improving productivity isn’t all about tech and tools and shortcuts. Those can often help around the margins. But for sustainable effectiveness, a mindset shift along with an understanding of how the human brain works will bring bigger rewards and help you reclaim your time.

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Fire Up Some Freedom of Time This 4th of July
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Fire Up Some Freedom of Time This 4th of July

It’s almost Independence Day (I know because my neighbors have been firing up the firecrackers for a couple weeks now) and it’s time to celebrate!

There are a lot of different ways to be independent.

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What Do You Want More of in 2024?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

What Do You Want More of in 2024?

The last week of the year is (rightly, I think) a time to reflect on the previous year and think about the coming one. The current year is dying so the new one can take its place.

Maybe that sounds a bit morbid (sorrynotsorry). But what do you want to let go in 2023 and welcome in 2024?

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Do You Have The Courage To Be More Productive?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Do You Have The Courage To Be More Productive?

You might ask what bravery has to do with productivity.

American culture celebrates “busy-ness”. When people are asked how they’re doing, they often respond “So busy!” And wouldn’t we all be embarrassed to say otherwise? Imagine the looks of horror if you said, “Not at all busy!” Many, but not all, retirees seem to need to be busy too.

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How Business Owners Can Be More Productive Through Zero Tasking
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

How Business Owners Can Be More Productive Through Zero Tasking

Does the idea of being more productive with no tasks whatsoever sound crazy?

Probably, but here’s the thing: the human brain, yours included, is not a machine. Unlike your computer, it only has limited time each day (about 4 to 4 ½ hours) for cognitively demanding work that involves numbers, strategizing, planning, etc.

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Feeling Overwhelmed?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Welcome to the club! Is your special hangout the firehose of information that never seems to turn off? Having too many people around you (or going to too many events)? Too many things to do at work and/or at home, or racing thoughts?

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Do You Want to Be Productive or Do You Want to Be Busy?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Do You Want to Be Productive or Do You Want to Be Busy?

Believe it or not, this isn’t a rhetorical question. Whether you’re a business owner or not, you have a choice. And many opt for “busy” over “productive.

However, if you’re looking for better work/life balance, or even to just avoid the feeling of sheer overwhelm, actually accomplishing goals (instead of doing a lot of meaningless tasks) is a better way to go.

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