R Is For Removal (Of Distractions)
If you want to be more productive, it’s necessary to spend some time each day focusing on the important, mission-critical tasks that only you as the business owner can do. Other things can be delegated, outsourced, or automated.
In order to focus, you have to lose distractions.
Do You Have Ample Time?
November 15 is National Ample Time Day, and I think this is just an American thing. Europeans and those in other developed countries don’t give up their entire lives to work, whether they’re business owners or climbing the corporate ladder. Are you giving yourself ample time for the life part of work-life harmony?
So You Want to Be a Productivity Consultant
But what about the secret sauce? The terrible things no one will tell you about being a productivity consultant.
Knowing Yourself Brings Better Productivity for Business Owners
When I was a kid, my eye doctor would always tell me that dynamite comes in small packages because I was always short for my age.
Are Your Addictions Distracting You?
September is National Recovery Month, and while many addictions are frowned upon, some are socially acceptable. If a substance has you in its grip, you’re losing brain function to it. And if you’re a business owner or other type of knowledge worker, that means you’re losing productivity (and likely profit) as well.
Distractions… Where You Least Expect Them
Phones. Notifications. Scrolling. Interruptions. That thing you forgot to do yesterday.
I talk about all these distractions, but one I hadn’t really thought about until I tackled mine was (drumroll please) THE INBOX!