Litigating Lawyers Deserve Lives They Love Too
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Litigating Lawyers Deserve Lives They Love Too

Not all attorneys enjoy litigating, but those that do seem to enjoy it a lot! At Desert Diva we love and support lawyers of all kinds –  August 31 is Love Litigating Lawyers Day so we’re sending extra support to our litigators!

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Preventing Burnout and Promoting Effectiveness for Attorneys
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Preventing Burnout and Promoting Effectiveness for Attorneys

For a group of professionals who touch every facet of American society, lawyers definitely get a lot of flak! May 6 kicks off National Lawyer Well-Being Week, and I’ve partnered with different types of lovely lawyers in different ways over the course of my career.

So let me give back a little in honor of lawyer well-being!

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