Feed Your Head
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Feed Your Head

As a business owner in the legal or financial industries, you know that knowledge (and working with your brain) is one of your superpowers. As the Chief Brain Hacker of my company, I’m also the chief knowledge worker.

You know you need to support your brain… but what exactly is “brain food”?

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Entrepreneur Who Wants More Out of Life? Inconvenience Yourself
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Entrepreneur Who Wants More Out of Life? Inconvenience Yourself

If you spend a lot of time looking at ads, articles, and other media published here in the US, you’d come away with the belief that faster is better and more is better.

Especially when it comes to work: the faster you work, the more successful you’ll be. The more hours you work, the more rewarded you’ll be.


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What If We Focused on Living Well Instead of Just Living Long?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

What If We Focused on Living Well Instead of Just Living Long?

I’m a member of a number of Gen X Facebook groups, some of which are devoted to women. One of them asked what beauty procedures people were doing to stay young. I’m not shaming anyone who’s relying on plastic surgery and fillers and the rest to look younger.
But I did say I focus more on preparing my body and mind for age.

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6 Ways to Be Productive on Vacation
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

6 Ways to Be Productive on Vacation

Many business owners, especially women, could use a break. March 30 is Virtual Vacation Day so how about taking some time off?

Originally Virtual Vacation Day was supposed to encourage people to “travel” online, without leaving home or even *shudder* taking time off work. But let me ask you… what kind of vacation day is THAT, where you’re still working?

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