It’s The Most Helpful Time of the Year
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

It’s The Most Helpful Time of the Year

If you’re hoping to give your productivity a boost this year so you can reclaim your time AND make money in your business, your holiday is this week! That’s right, February 22 is (drumroll, please) Single Tasking Day.

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Do You Have The Courage To Be More Productive?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Do You Have The Courage To Be More Productive?

You might ask what bravery has to do with productivity.

American culture celebrates “busy-ness”. When people are asked how they’re doing, they often respond “So busy!” And wouldn’t we all be embarrassed to say otherwise? Imagine the looks of horror if you said, “Not at all busy!” Many, but not all, retirees seem to need to be busy too.

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One Thing At a Time For Business Owners
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

One Thing At a Time For Business Owners

December is coming, and there are lots of parties and fun things to do. Business owners might feel like they don’t have enough time to get everything done, and as a result, try to multitask.

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To Be More Productive You Need to Be Brave
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

To Be More Productive You Need to Be Brave

Busy is not productive - it’s more of an ego stroke than anything else (as you know if you’ve been reading me for a while!) If you prefer the “satisfaction” of being busy … and putting items on your to-do list just so you can check them off… and if you like the status quo, then you’re not ready to max out on your productivity.

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Are You Ready for Zero Tasking Day?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Are You Ready for Zero Tasking Day?

The end of Daylight Savings Time on the first Sunday in November (in 2022, that’s 11/6) coincides with Zero Tasking Day. You’ve heard me talk about productivity being dependent on single tasking (or monotasking) instead of the mirage of multitasking … but zero tasking is another great tool.

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Multi-Tasking is a Myth, My Droogies (And What to Do Instead)
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Multi-Tasking is a Myth, My Droogies (And What to Do Instead)

I realize that February 21st is President’s Day, which is a worthy holiday (and voting should be a holiday too, while I’m at it!) But an even bigger holiday, at least for us productivity consultants, is (or should be) February 22, which is Single Tasking Day.

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