What Should Entrepreneurs Do Next? Put On Your Sunscreen and Get Outside
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

What Should Entrepreneurs Do Next? Put On Your Sunscreen and Get Outside

If you’re a business owner, when was the last time you went on vacation? One where you put your phone down and let your team handle the business for a week? Or even a few days? (please don’t say never, please don’t say never…)
In honor of National Sunscreen Day (May 27), you should know there are actual scientific reasons why you should go outside and go on vacation.

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Playtime for Business Owners: 3 Reasons You Need Games
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Playtime for Business Owners: 3 Reasons You Need Games

OK, not THAT kind of playtime. (Though that kind of play is good for you too!) Games are helpful for entrepreneurs. And as the movie The Shining taught us, all work and no play make Jack a murderous madman. In honor of National Scrabble Day on April 13, let’s talk games!

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