What Should Entrepreneurs Do Next? Put On Your Sunscreen and Get Outside
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

What Should Entrepreneurs Do Next? Put On Your Sunscreen and Get Outside

If you’re a business owner, when was the last time you went on vacation? One where you put your phone down and let your team handle the business for a week? Or even a few days? (please don’t say never, please don’t say never…)
In honor of National Sunscreen Day (May 27), you should know there are actual scientific reasons why you should go outside and go on vacation.

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As a Business Owner, Can You Use The Force?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

As a Business Owner, Can You Use The Force?

In case you’re an entrepreneur who wasn’t aware, May 4th is Star Wars Day (a takeoff on the saying in the first Star Wars movie, “May the Force be with you.”) Maybe you’ll take the 4th as an opportunity to watch a Star Wars movie, or any other kind.

So many of us business owners think it’s about hustling and grinding or putting our nose to the grindstone until we’ve ground it away completely. But if you look at the articles about what people regret on their deathbeds, “I wish I’d worked more” is never on any of the lists.

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