Social Media Is Neither Social, Nor Media: Discuss
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Social Media Is Neither Social, Nor Media: Discuss

The surgeon general recommends that kids don’t consume “social” media, because it’s bad for them, especially with undeveloped brains. It’s not that great for adults either, though we use it a lot.

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I’m Not on Threads and I Don’t Need To Be
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

I’m Not on Threads and I Don’t Need To Be

July is Social Wellness month (which I’m sure you have circled in red on your calendar.) I don’t know about you, but I could always be well-er. I’m not an expert on social wellness, but I do know a few things not to do.

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6 Ways to Stay Productive on Social Media
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

6 Ways to Stay Productive on Social Media

We all need social interaction because it’s a basic human need just like water, food, and sleep are. It may not be as obvious because a lack of social interaction won’t kill you or cause physical changes like the other three do, but it will harm your brain. Getting enough socialization also makes for a productive day.

Shouldn’t spending more time on social media make you more productive too, then?

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