Woman Founder On a Mission? Here’s How to Start Speaking to Spread the Message
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Woman Founder On a Mission? Here’s How to Start Speaking to Spread the Message

I won’t lie, I love speaking. Especially in front of live groups, because I love an audience. I’m eager to share my mission of bringing more joy to business owners without sacrificing their profits to as many founders as possible! I typically work with entrepreneurs who also have a mission in mind, and speaking is an excellent way to get your message to more people.

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Guess Who’s Speaking At CAHR2023?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Guess Who’s Speaking At CAHR2023?

It’s me, hi, I’m the speaker it’s me. I’m excited to be giving the secrets of FOCUS to help people in Human Resources from all over the state of California have a more productive workplace. (If you’ll be at the conference, let me know so we can meet in person!) Not only can HR professionals themselves benefit, but they can find out how to help their people stay focused too.

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