The Internet Giveth, and the Internet Taketh Away
October 29 is National Internet Day, and it’s worth taking a look at how the Internet can both help you improve your productivity, and also significantly reduce productivity in the workplace.

Ways “Slow Productivity” Benefits Business Owners
Some people like to go, go, go a million miles an hour. That’s great when you’re intentional about it! But if you feel like you’re running on an infinite hamster wheel and it’s stressing you out, maybe a different approach will work better.

Don’t Let Apps Interrupt Your Business
We’ve all heard of work-life balance, but maybe it’s time for tech-life balance. Which is probably easier to achieve, anyway.

Why Buy Nothing Day is Good for Business Owners
My first day of “real” work (aside from babysitting jobs) was the day after Thanksgiving in 1988. I was 16, and the entire day I stood behind the counter and dealt with the hangers (I worked in a women’s clothing store.)