Is Your Email Killing Your Effectiveness at Work?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Is Your Email Killing Your Effectiveness at Work?

Email can be a very effective tool for communication – as long as you’re using it appropriately. Yet for most business owners, when you’re taking care of emails, you’re not doing the important work ON your business.

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It’s The Most Helpful Time of the Year
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

It’s The Most Helpful Time of the Year

If you’re hoping to give your productivity a boost this year so you can reclaim your time AND make money in your business, your holiday is this week! That’s right, February 22 is (drumroll, please) Single Tasking Day.

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What Do You Want More of in 2024?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

What Do You Want More of in 2024?

The last week of the year is (rightly, I think) a time to reflect on the previous year and think about the coming one. The current year is dying so the new one can take its place.

Maybe that sounds a bit morbid (sorrynotsorry). But what do you want to let go in 2023 and welcome in 2024?

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