We Still Gotta Give Thanks?

I have to be honest with you, this year I’m not particularly keen to give thanks. And that means… this is the EXACT right time to be doing it! It’s also a good reminder that even when life is throwing all manner of sh*t at you, there are still reasons to be grateful. 

  • My mom died this year, which isn’t exactly something I’m grateful for. But I am thankful that she didn’t suffer like my dad did and her ending was peaceful.

  • Also a mixed blessing: I’m thankful that many voters seemed to understand the stakes of the midterms and avoided many of the conspiracy-addled, election-denying, ignorant train wrecks who frankly would have besmirched the halls of power. Obviously not all the voters got everything right, though!

  • Health - this year I didn’t have any blood clots in my lungs or broken bones or anything else! Hooray!

  • Sobriety - I am not going to lie, I celebrated my 15th “birthday” a few months ago and I have been TESTED this year. It’s been a long time since I’ve come so close to losing it, but I’m glad I was able to stay sober throughout everything.

  • Cats - they still keep me delighted and amused, and occasionally furious. That’s just part of the cat experience, though.

  • People - a lot of people have reached out to me in support when they found out about my mom, including some I really wasn’t expecting to hear from. I had more people on my side than I thought, which is a pretty awesome feeling.

  • The desert - I am not living there right now and boy do I miss it. I am very thankful that a place that’s hot and dry exists and that it has some unusual and amazing flora and fauna.

Happy Thanksgiving to all! What’s on your list?


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