4 Powerfully Purr-tinent Reasons Pets Make You More Productive

If you’ve ever had a cat, then you know it’s illegal to remove a cat from your person when it’s purring. Or sleeping, or generally just being adorable. Look, I don’t make the rules. 

National Kitten Day is on July 10, and if after you read this you realize you need a kitten (or any other pet) just remember: adopt, don’t shop.

The story behind my goofy gumdrops pictured above? I had a dog as a young adult, and she died of old age when she was about 15. Fiona was pretty much my soulmate in canine form, so it was hard to have to put her to sleep. After she died, I didn’t want another pet for a while.

But eventually, it seemed weird not to have a furry animal around. When I arrived in San Diego in 2016, I went to the Humane Society there. My original plan was to get a couple of littermates, but there weren’t any. I think I got there a little ahead ogf kitten season, and in any case I wanted adult cats. Kittens (and puppies) are absolutely adorable and they are also a lot of work. 

I saw a beautiful long-haired cat whom the staff named Squeak because she makes little chirpy noises. She came home with me and became Veronica, generally known as Queen Ronnie. She was about two at the time and still squeaks and chirps to this day, coming up on 9 years old.

A few years ago I thought she needed a companion. A friend of mine had recently rescued a feral cat that turned out to be a pregnant mama. I agreed to take one of the kittens and so Fergus the Fierce was born on the 4th of July and keeps Ronnie on her toes. He is a little stinker still!

They’re both affectionate, though in different ways. People think of cats as being aloof, but you’ll find they can be very people-oriented once you understand how they show affection. Fergus was socialized by my friend to be snuggled and held, so he enjoys it. Ronnie isn’t so much into being held, but she does love getting petted and they both love getting their brushie.

My story happens to be about cats, but lots of business owners have pets. They’re really good for entrepreneurs, though anyone of course can enjoy having a pet!

Pets are hilarious

Granted, Maine coons are known to be the clowns of the cat world. Ronnie’s a bit more regal than that - most of the time. But she and Fergus can get into acting like total goofballs. Remember the pandemic and having to stay home all the time? 

The cats kept me entertained. They play around like they’re in a cartoon. One will chase the other down the hall and into the back room… and then a few seconds later, the one who was being chased will be chased back down the hall! 

If you have a dog, you’ve no doubt had some clown time with your own silly boy or girl. You know you’ve laughed out loud at their antics at least a few times. Comic relief, even when you’re not in a pandemic, can help you feel refreshed.

Pets keep entrepreneurs in the moment

Many of us business owners have worries - that we won’t make payroll, that we’ll lose a good client, that next month will be a bad one financially. I’m a worry wart too - it’s my nature. However, most of the time we’re anxious about something that hasn’t happened yet.

Or we’re ruminating about something that went wrong recently. Neither agonizing over the past or fretting about the future is going to move the business forward. 

Pets are a great way to take a break from all that anxiety and be in the now. As cliche as that sounds, it’s actually helpful for cultivating the right mindset for business success.

Instead of spiraling into a world of what-ifs, you’re focused on whatever your little devil is trying to get into. Or you’re throwing the ball for them to retrieve, or making the fishie toy dance, or whatever type of play your pet is most into. 

It gives your brain a break, which means you can get some perspective by not allowing yourself to get mired in the gory details. Then you can get back to being productive and efficient because you’re able to refocus on your priorities.

Pets need tending

As someone who otherwise spends a lot of time in her head, I can tell you that having something to focus on other than yourself or your business is a great way to get out of your own way. Plus animals tend to like rituals: mine know when it’s time for the wet food to come out. 

Ronnie likes her brushie in the morning and Fergus gets his at night. Dogs and cats are perfectly fine eating the same kibble day after day - they don’t have the need for variety the way we humans do.

Rituals and routines can be good for entrepreneurs too. Having habits for certain things means that you don’t have to waste precious decision-making space in your brain but can save it for important choices you need to make in your business. Rituals bring you back to mindfulness.

Pets are a lot of love

Having a pet is shown in many studies to reduce stress. And what business owner isn’t stressed out right now? 

Cat purrs occur at a frequency that’s healing for humans - and they just feel good. When you’re not feeling great pets often know and will try to make you feel better. They’re amazing sources of unconditional love, especially for those of us who don’t get that from our families of origin. And even if you do have other sources - isn’t having one more lover a great thing to have?

Your pets don’t want you to work 14-hour days, because they need some attention. Make sure you’re giving love to your pets. Mine are pretty clear about when they want snuggles and when they don’t. Just like people, they want affection in different ways, and what works for one doesn’t work for another.

Queen Ronnie loves to get her butt rubbed, right there at the base of her tail. She’ll parade around in front of me with her butt up as high in the air as she can get it, so I’ll stop what I’m doing and pet her. Fergus doesn’t mind the occasional butt rub, but what he really loves is petting behind the ears and around his cheeks. 

And your brain doesn’t want you to work 14-hour days because that means you’re wasting a lot of time. 

Isn’t it awesome that being wth pets makes you more productive? Wins all around! 


Having pets is entertaining and brings a lot of health benefits that make business owners (and others) more productive. So thank your pet today!


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