Harmony and Holidays
I think the more people get back to what makes them happy outside of work, the better off the world will be. Being happy outside of work also helps you accomplish more when you’re at work, because doing things you enjoy with people you enjoy helps you recharge your brain.
W00t! It’s Women Entrepreneur Day!
Are you a female entrepreneur, or do you know one? November 19th is Women Entrepreneur Day, so let’s celebrate!
Time to Make a Difference
Many of us would like to leave a legacy behind. But distributing money and having buildings or scholarships in our names aren’t the only way to do it. Neither is having children, which is a good thing for us childless cat ladies! When you look only to the future, you miss out on what you could be doing today.
Boundaries Are a Woman Business Owner’s Best Friend
The Barbie movie grossed $636 million in the United States and over $1.4 billion worldwide. I bet America Ferrara's monologue about the absolutely impossible standards women are held to in this country had a lot to do with it breaking the box office. So many of us felt seen by that scene!
4 Powerfully Purr-tinent Reasons Pets Make You More Productive
If you’ve ever had a cat, then you know it’s illegal to remove a cat from your person when it’s purring. Or sleeping, or generally just being adorable. Look, I don’t make the rules.
National Kitten Day is on July 10, and if after you read this you realize you need a kitten (or any other pet) just remember: adopt, don’t shop.