Do You Have The Courage To Be More Productive?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Do You Have The Courage To Be More Productive?

You might ask what bravery has to do with productivity.

American culture celebrates “busy-ness”. When people are asked how they’re doing, they often respond “So busy!” And wouldn’t we all be embarrassed to say otherwise? Imagine the looks of horror if you said, “Not at all busy!” Many, but not all, retirees seem to need to be busy too.

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One Thing At a Time For Business Owners
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

One Thing At a Time For Business Owners

December is coming, and there are lots of parties and fun things to do. Business owners might feel like they don’t have enough time to get everything done, and as a result, try to multitask.

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Why Buy Nothing Day is Good for Business Owners
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Why Buy Nothing Day is Good for Business Owners

My first day of “real” work (aside from babysitting jobs) was the day after Thanksgiving in 1988. I was 16, and the entire day I stood behind the counter and dealt with the hangers (I worked in a women’s clothing store.)

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Why NaNoWriMo (& Other Creative Pursuits) Are Great for Business Owners
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Why NaNoWriMo (& Other Creative Pursuits) Are Great for Business Owners

If you’re a business owner, it might seem crazy to devote a month to writing a novel (National Novel Writing Month). I’m not saying I’m perfectly sane, but I enjoy writing. And I’ll use NaNoWriMo to give me a goal, some support, and a deadline.

Doesn’t sound all that different from a business goal, does it?

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How Business Owners Can Be More Productive Through Zero Tasking
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

How Business Owners Can Be More Productive Through Zero Tasking

Does the idea of being more productive with no tasks whatsoever sound crazy?

Probably, but here’s the thing: the human brain, yours included, is not a machine. Unlike your computer, it only has limited time each day (about 4 to 4 ½ hours) for cognitively demanding work that involves numbers, strategizing, planning, etc.

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3 Ways to Improve Your Office for Productivity
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

3 Ways to Improve Your Office for Productivity

If you’re a business owner, whether you have staff or you’re solo, you know you need a dedicated space to work. You also know that the space you’re in affects how effective you can actually be, and the same is true for your staff.

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Are Your Addictions Distracting You?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Are Your Addictions Distracting You?

September is National Recovery Month, and while many addictions are frowned upon, some are socially acceptable. If a substance has you in its grip, you’re losing brain function to it. And if you’re a business owner or other type of knowledge worker, that means you’re losing productivity (and likely profit) as well.

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Are You A Business Owner Who’s In Her Own Way?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Are You A Business Owner Who’s In Her Own Way?

Have you hit a profit plateau? Or maybe you’re thinking about changing the way you do business to a model that provides a higher margin. You might be able to break through your ceiling with the people that you have, but you’ll probably need to change some processes even if you don’t need to re-evaluate your staff.

But of course, as the business owner, you might be the biggest bottleneck of all!

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5 Popular Business Myths That Hurt Your Business
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

5 Popular Business Myths That Hurt Your Business

As a business owner, you’re always trying to make the best use of your time. You’re aware that there are only so many hours in a day, and lots of things to do. Maybe you listen to productivity podcasts, or read books and articles, or even blogs and posts like this one.
Which is great… unless you’re reading something that’s based on a myth. Or great for a lion sleep chronotype, and you’re a bear (like me) or wolf or dolphin. Or something that’s based on popular culture that actually doesn’t match up with how human brains actually work.

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Why Modern American Business Culture Is Bad for Productivity (For Business Owners)
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Why Modern American Business Culture Is Bad for Productivity (For Business Owners)

Do you feel like you don’t have enough hours in the day as a business owner? Or do you feel like you have plenty of time to get everything done?

If you live and work in the US, the chances are you feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. It’s not necessarily true, but our culture can definitely make you think that there is always more work to be done and that you need to be busy.

But why is that culture so bad for productivity in the workplace?

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Your Knowledge Business Needs You To Listen to Music
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Your Knowledge Business Needs You To Listen to Music

Did you play an instrument as a kid? Do you still play? Whatever the answer is to those two questions, music can play a big part in a more productive workplace. September is Classical Music Month, but even if you hate classical music, it’s a great month to get back in tune with the music you do like. (See what I did there? I slay me.)

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What Business Owners Can Learn From My Birthday
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

What Business Owners Can Learn From My Birthday

It’s the week of my birthday, and as I like to do every year, I write about what I’ve learned. Sometimes I’ve learned more about my work, and sometimes more about myself. This past year was a little more difficult than others have been, but experience is a strong teacher. Whether I like it or not!

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What To Do (Instead of Work) For a More Productive Day
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

What To Do (Instead of Work) For a More Productive Day

If you’re a human, then you’ve got a human brain. (If you’re not a human, then feel free to skip this article.) And for a variety of reasons, human brains aren’t meant to be completely “on” 16 hours out of the day, even if you get the 8 hours sleep you need at night.

If you’re trying to cram at work and just bear down and blast through, you’re doing yourself and your brain a disservice. Not only that, you’re giving yourself a less productive day and less chance to get the important things done. (As a reminder, busy is not productive!)

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Woman Founder On a Mission? Here’s How to Start Speaking to Spread the Message
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Woman Founder On a Mission? Here’s How to Start Speaking to Spread the Message

I won’t lie, I love speaking. Especially in front of live groups, because I love an audience. I’m eager to share my mission of bringing more joy to business owners without sacrificing their profits to as many founders as possible! I typically work with entrepreneurs who also have a mission in mind, and speaking is an excellent way to get your message to more people.

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